Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love is mushy!

By Unknown   Posted at  9:02:00 AM   Musings 2 comments

'Why can't you open the blinds ever?' I frowned opening all the blinds one by one. Since our marriage it has become a customary morning ritual for me, back in India it used to be curtains. :)

'This is something I love seeing you do!' Tarunn said with cutest expressions.

'Ha-ha that was a good line, but it's not doing its wonders.' I teased as I opened blinds of balcony. My eyes sparkled and quickly I said, 'Tarunn come fast, comeeeeeeeeee and see. It is so nice!'

He joined me in no time. On the blanket of snow someone had expressed love by writing love you Loke. Big alphabets totally aligned written in a stencil like manner. I could actually see the efforts gone into it. :) I didn't know who wrote it or for whom this special love message was, but it put a wide smile on my face. I was so excited as if I was a part of it. Crazy me! I clicked a picture from my phone.

That's what love does to you, it makes you do something special, something even you never knew you can do for someone. Even the most practical people become mushy mushy in love. :)

Spending time talking and listening to endless, minutest, stupidest of things. Things that will not change the economy or as a matter of fact improve knowledge quotient, :) But will surely make you come close and feel connected. It is not mandatory to give a rose on a rose day. Well don't get me wrong, surprises are always welcome. What I want to say is that guys sometimes compensate their absence with a flower or a bouquet. As a girl I can tell, we feel best when we see your presence around us. The biggest gift is giving time, words of appreciation and not to forget valuing each other's work! And, after these essentials any surprises give over the top kind of feeling. As if we are on cloud nine. :)

Every couple has a couple's thing. Do it regularly. It can be dance or yoga or cooking a meal together or anything that a couple loves to do together. This strictly doesn't include grocery shopping. :D Even if you have kids, take time off. If not frequently, but make sure you have some exclusive together together time.

Love is not an overnight thing or a seasonal change. It nourishes with time. A beautiful relation is when you and your partner, irrespective of age, still talk anything and everything and never get bored. You have so much to share that a lifetime seems less.

Cherish it and embrace as it has happened for good! :)

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About the Author - Aastha J Pasrija

A simple person who is far from many complexities in life. I like to enjoy what I have and love to dance and paint. I love being creative because creating new things brings me happiness.


  1. Kya baat hai.. u would've released this article on feb14th as a memory.. Hope one more cute love article will come soon on feb14th... Will b waiting :-)


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