Sunday, February 8, 2015

Land of humongous choices!

By Unknown   Posted at  1:44:00 PM   Musings No comments

From endless choices to array of brands, being in States has been a ride. Is vitamin A milk better than vitamin D, or as a matter of fact the combination of both? Plethora of options actually throw you away sometimes. Picking a simple thing like cornflakes can consume a long time. As all my friends say, you can go as healthy in States as you want. But it comes with a long list of choices to be made, evaluating one over thousands, just like a carrier choice. I am not exaggerating, surely too many options are always confusing.

Amongst all the choosing stuff, on a weekend we went to a grill place for dinner. Ambience was good and peppy. A cheerful waitress handed us the menu. With all smiles, I started reading the whole menu. You know the feeling, when you are hungry and reading a menu awakens gustatory delights. :) When you just want to order asap, without any precious time wasted! With glittering eyes, full of excitement I read 'Create a bowl'. As I looked up from the menu, she came back and handed us medium size bowls. In a jet speed she recited, 'You can fill in whatever you like from the choices over there and hand it over to be cooked.' What man! Can someone please give me a break. :) I was so done picking up grocery, making different varied choices last couple of weeks. For once I had an opportunity to laze, order some random chicken dish and have an element of surprise to engulf me. But, even that was taken away. I am not complaining, but surprises do charm me.

So there were choices of meat and seafood to pick up from. Almost 30 different kind of sauce plus endless salad and greens to choose. Also, pastas and noodles. In short, we had to fit in a world of flavours that we like in that small bowl! I had a great laugh seeing people squeezing their favourites almost double the size of bowl and I was no exception. Everyone carried a mini mountain in their hands. :) There was a huge round grill in centre where they tossed and grilled ingredients from our bowl and poured mixture of sauce we selected. I noticed, with almost 11 people there, none of us had tiny resemble in our picks. Once my bowl was grilled, it was placed nicely on a platter and handed over the counter to me.

Generally, how easily we pass a judgement.
Not great preparation.
It could have been better.
Argh, pathetic place ever! 
As I picked my fork to taste, a sudden realisation made me smile. I was going to be rating myself! :P Phew! How was that for a situation where practically I had not cooked or even had an extravagant spree of chopping vegetables. Still I was the creator of my own meal. I questioned myself-
What if it's not that great! Or
Forget great, it's not even edible.

But then it had to be tasted. I had to pass my own test. :) I grabbed my fork and gulped a morsel of my colourful sautéed meal. Multiple flavours rushed inside my mouth, hitting the taste buds, reclaiming their presence more than the other one. I don't want to praise myself, but luckily it was an awesome combination of juicy flavours! I had the most delightful meal. For a moment, I felt like a master-chef ! :)

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About the Author - Aastha J Pasrija

A simple person who is far from many complexities in life. I like to enjoy what I have and love to dance and paint. I love being creative because creating new things brings me happiness.


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