Sunday, June 8, 2014

Being married to a Techie!

By Unknown   Posted at  8:20:00 PM   Musings 4 comments

Being married to a techie guy, is a roller coaster ride. When I mention techie, it does not apply completely to all techies but to the real tech-savvy ones like the one I am married to. It’s full of thrills and skills. Difficult to understand, until you are a part of it. If you do not belong to the world of techies, then these few instances will help you get a hang on it, others just know it. 

Minimal use of paper and pen-‘Save paper’ the motto is best advertised by techies. :) From to- do lists to any diurnal stuff, you name a thing and it will all be in their laptop and phone, all synced up together. Make a change in any device and all the other devices will have updated information of what needs to be done next in the day. Playing hide-and-seek, looking around for a pen and paper is such a waste of energy, right? Be high tech!

Data can never be lost-You will never find a techie losing his data. It means a world to him. Just not the data he is dealing with on an everyday basis, but also all the documents, pictures, videos, etc…etc. There is a backup for everything. Plan A is always followed by plan B.
Engineering in every little thing-Once a techie always a techie. Their mind works in a unique way. For instance, just couple of weeks back, we (me and my husband) stopped to have coconut water. The seller handed over the coconut along with straw to me. I have this uncanny habit of cleaning for my own satisfaction any culinary I am using, this time it was a straw. With dust layers inside it was a turnoff. I asked for more straws. To my surprise all were the same. Very intelligently I blew inside straw, pretty confident that dust will blow off. But it didn’t. I tried couple of more times, blowing air out more heavily. No success. Arghhhh. Then, I noticed what my husband did. He sucked little water from coconut and threw it away. Did it twice and there you go, perfectly cleaned straws. I saw him in amusement. Gosh why such a simple thing didn't strike me?

Problem solving-This one is hilarious. Suddenly early before the sun breaks, he gets up in a jolt shaking up the bed. I am scandalised thinking, ‘Oh my God, it’s an earthquake!’ But it’s a false alarm. I see him jumping out of the bed and leaping for his laptop. I ask, ‘What happened? All well?’ Reply comes, ‘Yeah, maybe I have solved the problem I was stuck at.’ I blink in a fail attempt registering it. WHATTTTTTTT. I cannot solve my problems eyes open and alert, but here he solved it in his dreams!!! I rub my eyes in an attempt to stop hallucinating. But no luck.

To mention, the problem solving expertise is just not limited to work, it covers everything. If you are disturbed about something and you discuss with him. He has a tailor made, custom fit, just-for-you ready solution. For him if there is a problem, then there has to be a solution. You want him to just listen and he wants you to act upon it. 
App for grocery-Yes, you have an app for grocery shopping. :) Funny, but true! They have all the reasons in the world why to have one. First, no need to jot down weekly or fortnightly ‘the list of items’ to shop. Mostly they are already stored in the app, you just need to tick them up. Hustle bustle free. Second, if we go together to shop both our android phones are synced through which we are updated as to what one has bought if we are in different counters. The tick marked items are crossed showing the items purchased.

Family thinks he can repair anything-Well that’s most common. An engineer in family has to be jack of all trades. Anything that goes out of order, he is called to rescue. Specially laptops and phones. Can you fix my laptop? Though a software engineer, he is expected to fix hardware issues as well. :P He acts like Mr. Quick fix by hovering on your system through log me in or team viewer, doesn't matter which country you are in.

Old phones new software-Who wants a new phone when old one works like a newbie? Old phone will always be upgraded to new ROM and OS. New features, displays and functionality are a big high for them. It’s just like a joy of victory! Childlike happiness. Spending hours on exploring the entire new software, digging in all the apps can never be a waste of time. And, redoing entire activity all over again if he doesn't like the particular ROM, can never be painful.

Do not disturb mode-They are often lost in thoughts. Frequently a do-not-disturb-mode is on. As a wife you got to understand and live with it. :) It’s a zone they love to be in!

Filter listening-Not necessary he replies to you when you ask something. For sure he will when you say ‘this is not working’. It’ll be a task at hand for him. A mission to achieve! The listening power is concentrated to only few key words. One has to talk diligently focusing on the key words and tags, so that it doesn't filter when he hears. :P

Auto correct-Who says auto correct is only installed in your phones? It’s in build mechanism in the techie guys. Watch out when you say something missing out few facts, or maybe something incorrectly; instantly you will be corrected. Urgh it’s too disturbing sometimes. And, when you make him understand to stop being an auto correct, you will have good laughs seeing him curbing the switch on mode.

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About the Author - Aastha J Pasrija

A simple person who is far from many complexities in life. I like to enjoy what I have and love to dance and paint. I love being creative because creating new things brings me happiness.


  1. Nops... it's not a regular techie, it's just a 1 piece called Tarrunn... ;-)

    1. Hahaha.. I know a couple more :D

    2. I am proud of his skills and proud of your analytical capabilities as well
      Keep it up and God Bless you both.


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