Wednesday, April 9, 2014


By Unknown   Posted at  12:46:00 PM   Nature 2 comments

Something big has happened to you, a life changing event when you beam and just cannot stop smiling. You are surprised about how in the world did that happen. Maybe some unspoken wish of yours just got fulfilled in fraction of a second. Maybe when you were saved by an Angel sent by god. For instance, in an accident not even a single scar troubled you, though the car was a complete wreck. When your heart says thank God! Thank God! The moment you know it, its surely a miracle!

So, what is a miracle? Generally miracle is associated with something big, a life changing event- when it is practically impossible, beyond the laws of nature. The moment when your true self says, ‘Gosh, how did this happen?’

I firmly believe in miracles. But my point is- miracles are just not the biggie’s but also the small unusual things that happen to us. It’s an experience that gives sheer joy and remains close to heart. The fact is, we are always surrounded by tiny miracles.

Definitely some power is always working on us. The power that wants us to be happy, to bless. But we are not willing. Its human nature to live in a state of denial. Knowingly or unknowingly we are so engrossed in our diurnal stuff that we shut ourselves. We are closed circuits wherein our antennas do not catch any signals from above. We are not receptive enough as the server is down from our end.

Heart of a child is like a heart of gold. The childish innocence within helps us open our heart and mind. The moment we open ourselves, we do see them happening.

Like the days, when your mind is occupied by thoughts resembling a DJ remix nonstop version. When you want to shut your mind saying, ‘Not now..Not now’. In a fix as what to do and suddenly some hoarding with a caption answers the dilemma-with words turning bold galvanising you. It’s like a sign from the Universe. You smile to yourself thinking how stupid that is! Eventually you go with a gut feel and later when you look back, you know that it was the best decision. Ever experienced it?

Looking at the sky when suddenly a star falls. Did your heart miss a beat? How often in a lifetime do you see that happen? You being a part of it is definitely a high.

Murmuration of starlings- what a site it is! How synchronised the birds dance captivating your attention. It’s completely out of the box phenomena as to why they do so. Treat for your eyes and soul. Watch this video it’ll take your heart away! In a casual day if something so charismatic happens you tend to relive it in your memories again and again. It’s a moment of one of its kind.

A beautiful flower called Brahma kamal (Saussurea Obvallata) is considered very auspicious. Have you ever seen it blossom? The uniqueness of this flower makes it so very special. It usually blossoms in the night for 4-5 hours and that too once in years! The wait plus rare experience of actually seeing it come to life is definitely auspicious. I still remember one of my friends oozing with joy, showing photo of this flower in her garden. At that time I thought, ‘Come on, it’s just a flower!’ That’s what ignorance does to you sometimes. When actually she gave me the little background to it, I couldn't stop myself admiring. I so wanted to see it myself but alas it had gone back to sleep for years. I still imagine how so beautiful, adorable and flawless the experience would have been.

Have you ever witnessed any formations in the clouds? It’s so serene. Oh my god, is it really what I am seeing (mind questions)? You put in all logics in the world. Detail analysis, rubbing your eyes, your mind has chalked out all possibilities. Finally you believe it’s seriously there! Out of the box, some abstract figure flashes itself just for you to notice.

While going on a long trip, driving through a jungle, suddenly you see a tall tree standing straight in arrogance and pride. Just the trunk with no leaves and branches highlighting its character. Right besides is another tree replicating a lady like figure standing sideways, flaunting her curves, looking admiringly to her male counterpart. A couple posing for you in the jungle!

Doesn't these events fill you with fanaticism? Give credence to these tiny things around and you will see them proliferate.

To the teensy weensy things we love- 'the little miracles'.

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About the Author - Aastha J Pasrija

A simple person who is far from many complexities in life. I like to enjoy what I have and love to dance and paint. I love being creative because creating new things brings me happiness.


  1. nice...i like all your articles...each time i read it i always wonder, you are so talented why don't you take this up professionally?

    1. Thank u so much Neetu! I am totally flattered. :) By God's grace this miracle would happen someday(soon)! :)


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