Saturday, February 22, 2014

Home alone

By Unknown   Posted at  11:27:00 PM   Musings 2 comments

I have been home alone for the last two days and best you can do for yourself is to do things you like the most. Small things that doesn't matter and are not important as well, but are an unspoken part of you. You cherish being callous for a while, when you give it a damn and say just buzz off. Presenting a list of things I did in these days enjoying every bit of it.
  • Messing up the house. Okay, maybe just a little because, then I only have to clean it up. Sigh.
  • Stock up the other side of the bed with newspapers, novels, magazines, etc. Only using the side table is not that much fun, right.
  • Like hands of the clock, I move around anywhere in the bed. Oh I love it so much.
  • Not picking up any calls at all. I even told my mom that I’ll be unavailable for two days, hehe. I had a long list of people to catch up with, but surely it can wait is what I thought.
  •  Watch chick flicks all by my own. Gosh there is nothing I love more. J They are funny, cute, and full of imperfect characters, make you cry and sometimes just take your heart away. Watching a good movie requires a perfect set up- dim lights and good snacks or food. Popcorn and Chinese being my favourite is definitely a pre-requisite. When something serious is on, I am in slow motion tossing the popcorn in my fingers for a while and then taking titbits. Rolling fork in noodles again and yet again and sometimes even dropping it, surely I am experiencing some intriguing melting moment on screen. When your heart says, "Awwwww". Sometimes having a big happy morsel of popcorn in a damn funny scene and it gets stuck in your food pipe, you are laughing and coughing at the same time. Then, coke comes for your rescue. Since last two days I thoroughly enjoyed watching- Pretty woman, Notting hill, one fine day and Confessions of a shopaholic. All my favourites.
  •  I gave an off to my cook. Surely I deserved a treat, cooked Chinese just for me with chimney lights on. You must be thinking what’s different in it. Trust me when I say cooking for yourself, singing all by yourself plus using the Chimney lights that are never used in the kitchen- merely just a show-piece. It’s a big deal.
  •  Surprise surprise. J Finally after a very long break I painted. I am no pro, but won’t deny my love to play with colors. Just adds a little flavour of freshness. Plus anything you create definitely just makes you smile as it is special to you.You can click here to view my painting
Worse part of being alone is getting jitters in the night. I am shit scared of staying alone. Being an over imaginative person, each sound I hear in the night makes me think there is something more to it. Balconies and windows are the scariest of all, seems someone is peeping from outside. So, I did a smart move, switched on a light and hit my head on pillow. ‘All is well’ was the mantra for the night. The little voice inside me always knew I won’t catch up any sleep, but was trying hard. Eventually the light I had turned on became the culprit!

In the middle of all these things I do miss him. Being missing out “the let’s do it together things”. Sharing life with someone is surely the best thing you can do to yourself. J But sometimes these little breaks (mind you only little and less frequent) helps in valuing each other more.

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About the Author - Aastha J Pasrija

A simple person who is far from many complexities in life. I like to enjoy what I have and love to dance and paint. I love being creative because creating new things brings me happiness.


  1. perfect. i also totally empathize with this...At times you need a break from everything and just be yourself.....but yes only little and less frequent


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